Bitcoin Tips
What Is Bitcoin And What Can It Do For You?
Bitcoin uses a peer to peer network, which means there is no central bank or government controlling it. Bitcoin is a currency that operates all online. Nobody owns Bitcoin and no one person controls the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin is a proof of work coin which means that you can earn Bitcoins from mining or buying them.
To start earning and collecting Bitcoins, you will first need a wallet. It is free to create a wallet, There are many places that manage bitcoin wallets, but if you are looking for a simple and secure online wallet i would check out either blockchain.info or coinbase.com. Both wallets are great and very secure. Plus you can access them where ever you are as long as you have an internet connection and you remember the passwords. Once you have a wallet you can either buy or mine the coins and have them go right in to you wallet. Since Bitcoin as go up in value so much the difficultly to mine a bitcoin has gone up a lot so i have started you use faucet and cloud mining sites to earn bitcoins. Cloud mining doe the same thing as mining at home but instead of having to invest in a lot of very expensive hard ware to mine you can invest what you can afford on cloud mining site and they will give you what you earn. Most site will take a small fee to help pay for the equipment so keep that in mind.
Where to keep Bitcoins!
Spending Bitcoin

Once you get some bitcoin you are most likely wanting to spend it on "real things" or just pay the bills with it. There are many different ways to do so. You can have it converted into USD and put right into your bank account or you can buy gift cards for places like amazon and just order things online. To find out how to do all of this please check out my youtube channel!!!